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  • travisstephens38

Hot and Sweet

Spent a long weekend out of LA and in the Wine Country. Funny how in California we say "wine country" and mean Napa County area. In truth wine flourishes in most of the state--think vast Central Valley vineyards, the wineries of Santa Inez versus Lake County versus the tiny grape patches in Malibu or Bakersfield.

In July the vines, like we visitors, are suffering in the heat. The whole state is affected. Morning walks with the dog among the grapes mean seeing drip waterers at work. Vineyard workers cull fruit and the raisin like clusters of "dropped" fruit litter the dusty ground. Jackrabbits and coyotes are seen, plus crows and vultures. It is not an easy time.

Ah, but the evenings. Sit outside and watch the stars. Drink the wine. Listen for owls. Remember how this is why we return.

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